Herb and Flax Crackers

These healthy crackers are loaded with good stuff and they taste great. They contain ingredients that are easy to find in most kitchens. As well here is a link to Jordan Rubin's new e-book called " Raw Truth".

Now more about crackers. One of the things that people often ask when you mention raw food is can I eat bread. Really commercial bread is not good for you. I think it is key to find some raw breads and crackers that you like when you are in transition from cooked food to raw food. That way when you are craving a piece of bread, instead you can grab a healthy cracker.

Making raw crackers and bread is really quite easy once you give it a try. The neat thing about it is that you can than add any flavor profile that you like.

Here is my cracker "dough". It has been all mixed and is ready to go into the dehydrator.


1 tomatoe chopped
1/4 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup kale pulp or shredded kale
1/2 cup soaked flax seeds
1/4 cup hemp seeds
couple of teaspoons of nutritional yeast
pinch of Himalayan salt or sea salt
1/3 cup or more ground flax seed until a light dough is formed

Now you can add your choice off seasoning such as thyme, chopped onion, cumin. Just remember that the spices may have a slightly more intense flavor when the are dehydrated. Dehydrate about 7-8 hours and make sure to flip the crackers half way through so the underside gets dry.

For the non-raw version. Oil a pan with coconut oil and place in the oven on a low heat. Remove when dry.

Add on some avocado, nut cheese and tomatoe and you're all set.

I would love to hear about your healthy bread alternative. Do you make your own raw crackers?

For my new health enthusiasts you can make the transition away from commercial bread by switching to a Ezekiel bread, found in your health food store in the freezer section. This is a much healthier option for you.

Remember to check out the link for Jordan Rubin's (the founder of Garden of Life) e-book. It has some useful information in it and also contains a bit of history. He does talk about his own line of supplements but also about foods, enzymes, digestion and more.

Stay tuned for sunflower cheese and walnut spread.....


  1. Looks good! I can't wait to start making my own crackers!

  2. Ah, these look so good! I've been wanting to make my own crackers for a while now! :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. It looks like I'll be visiting yours a lot to get some good recipes :)


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